So I've been reading, studying and thinking about abiding and The Vine talk in John 15. As soon as my mentor asked me to read it, I got a mental snap-shot of a pink book about abiding, sitting on a bookcase. I just cleared off my main bookcase...and it wasn't there where I'd pictured it. Maybe it was at my mom's house!! I asked her about it. "No, doesn't ring a bell." Today we were over there and while we were in the guest room, I thought, "Hey, I should check!" And there it was. Sitting just as I'd pictured it.
And the author? Cynthia Heald. The author of the book we're using for our moms' Bible study, "Becoming a Woman of Grace." I love her! Bonus!!
And it's 31 days of devotions. And today is September 1st.
Wow, God. You are soooo good!